Wednesday, May 27, 2009
The Quilt Around the World Bee Blocks
Friday, May 22, 2009
Texas Here We Come.....
Here is the CRAZY part.
I put my stores on vacation and I
Taking my laptop.
I know!! If I bring it with, I will work, so it is staying home. Have a wonderful weekend and will see you all on Tuesday!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Just a few things.......
Just a few things to show you…
Two new fun books,
Pretty Little Patchwork.
There are some really fun projects in here….
Pretty little Potholders.
Also cute ideas…
A new mug, I love mugs or in our house called a “coffee cup” such as “Would you please get me a cup of coffee?”
I was at our local quilt shop and look at what I bought! The woman at the store apologized because all she had was PINK!!!
Now this really works, but I would have gotten it even if it did not!!
A Christmas gift finished! I love a quilt fresh from the dryer, all warm and soft and cozy.
I am moving on to the next one.
Happy sewing!
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Special Weekend....
Our grandson was Baptized this weekend….
This is my Oldest Daughter, My Son-in-Law
And the star Little T
Here are the Happy Godparents…
Son-in-Law's younger brother and Oldest daughter's (middle daughter) little sister
And the star Little T.
God blessed Little T with a beautiful ceremony, a beautiful day, and family all around.
He was an angel, not a peep!!
On another note, I did get my first batch of 9 patch blocks done for Christine ’s 9-patch swap.
Happy Sewing!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
LAST Rainbow Quilt Block Post....
We did it girls!!! All but one set of blocks have arrived. One of our girls in group three is on a Military base in Japan, hers are on the way. So, if you are involved in group 3 yours will be sent out as soon as hers arrived. The poor thing made them again and re-sent them.
Here we go…..
As I send out your blocks you will see your status change from received to sent on my side bar.
PLEASE, please, please, let me know when you receive them.
As they are received I am going to remove your name.
If you love one of the blogs or made friends with a new blogger or just want that blog, add it to your Google reader or become a follower. I would hate you to miss a chance at all the wonderful blogs these talented ladies have to offer.
The Flickr group will remain up and I hope you will post or send me the picture to post of what you have done with these marvelous blocks!!
I would like to get a little sappy for a moment;
This has been such a pleasure for me. I have gotten to meet new ladies, inspired a few to start a blog, made new friends and have enjoyed and loved every single minute of this swap. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your lives for theses last few weeks. I do not know if the world understands what blogging really means. People who are friends, not just a pen pals but REAL friends.
God Bless, Jane
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Spring to Finish....
Happy sewing!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Oh I did it!!!!!!
Oh yes I did! I joined another swap. Well, actually I am being sponsored by Lurline to be able to play in Christine's 9 Patch swap. It was for Australian swappers only, unless you got a sponsor. Dear kind Lurline asked if I would like to play and of course "I JUMPED" at the offer; how so very kind of her!!
Each month from now until November, I will be making 12 --9 patch squares in Reproduction fabrics. We are to send Christine a picture each month of our squares. Then in November send all 72 squares to her, where she will mix and sort and send 72 back!
I am very excited to play!
Thank You Lurline!
Thank you Christine!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Quilting Bee....
I joined a quilting bee, I have wanted to do this for some time and this one sounded perfect!
It is called “Around the World” Quilting Bee.
You start by making a block any size, any color, and any pattern. This is called your starter block. Here is a picture of mine. It is a 12 X 12 inch block.
There are 24 people in the bee, so my starter block will be sent to someone who will make a block to go with mine; they will send it to the next person who will also make a block. You can choose to have them sewn together for a 6 X 4-quilt top, or to receive 24 blocks. I have chosen to receive 24 blocks, in case I want to add sashing. It is a fast moving bee; one block a week. I am so excited, we even have international players. I cannot wait to post the blocks as I receive them! Happy Sewing!!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
More Blocks arrived, we are missing a few, MIA in the postal system, as soon as they arrive, we will be all set.
Sudi-Laura-Section 3 Light Green- Mavrick Star
What a beautiful color green!!
Lise Section 4 Orange Pinwheel
Look at the perfect points and the great fabrics!
Lise Section 5 Dark Green Mini Bowties
I just love her fabric choices!
Lise was also kind and sent me some goodies. A beautiful address book filled with quilting and crafting illustrations. This will be my blogger book, filled with address’s and blog sites.
Also an issue of Australian Homespun Magazine (came with an oven mitt). I am so excited to receive this. Tonight all cozy in my bed, I am going to look at each and every single page. Thank you Lise!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Spring to Finish
Thanks to Jacquie’s “Spring to Finish”
Theses….. After sitting on the shelf for at least 10-12 years!!
Became this…
Thank you Jacquie!! It would never have happened if it were not for you! On to the next!~!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Look at What's New in the House....
Two new fabrics in my store…
How cute is this print from Robert Kaufman?!
Also a darling Holiday one from Timeless Treasures.
As always you can find these fabrics in both of my stores.
MMM, Yummy, look at what I bought from Nanette at Freda Hive. One of her Honey Packs. Just look at all the wonderful fabric you will receive. Buzz over there before they are all gone.
New blocks arrived….
Shannon Section 3 Light Blue Snowball
I love her choice of fabrics, so soft and pretty.
Shanna Section 3 Dark Blue
Look at all the half square triangles, Wow, perfect work!
Vanessa Section 4 Maroon
I just love the clean crisp look of this block!
Also, check out Glenna’s store, her Rick Rack is for sale at an amazing price!
Happy Sewing!!