Hi Everyone! Lately,I have been showing you my red, white and blue hexies. I am making them using mylar hexagons. I thought you might like to see how I make my hexies.
There are so many techniques out in blogland, YouTube and the web.
This is just how I make them....
I start with a 2 1/2 inch square. This is a great way to use left over jelly roll scraps.
I place the fabric RIGHT side down.
I then center my hexagon on the square and pin it....
The mylar hexagons are great for fussy cutting. Yes, you can see through them and because they have some firmness to them you can also feel where to place your picture.
Next fold over one side, then overlap it with the other side like this...
Now I take two small stitches to anchor the fabric.
Fold over next side two small stitches. So on and so on until you reach the last side. At this point I remove the pin. That way you can make that last two stitches nice and tight. This way the fabric will not bunch or be loose.
I also continue one more time and take a final stitch or two right where I began.
Next trim close to your stitching and leave about 1/4 of fabric all around the hexie.
The mylar hexagon can be easily removed and ready for use on another day.
Viola, a perfect hexie!
I have a pinterest board for hexies, wow the things you can make with them is amazing!
I warn you they are like eating chips once you start you cannot stop!
Enjoy! And please feel free to ask any questions.
Happy Sewing!