That I want to turn our heat on!!! Oh where has my wonderful summer gone. We really did not have a very hot summer. I already miss it. So, to feel better I am off to buy Little T a new toy!! Have a warm day!!!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Do you know.....
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Kindle Report....
Let's see, I have had my Kindle for about 28 hours. I am so in love with this baby!!!! I highly recommend it ;highly!! Gotta' go, time to read!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
This is not a sob story….
I was born legally blind. My parents did not know until I was four. From that day on, I wore glasses. I remember getting them and the whole world looked brighter. When I was in high school, I got contacts and wore those for almost 35 years. When I was very little one of the doctors told my parents, if she is lucky she will get cataracts when she is older. Well, I did! Every time, I went to the eye doctor I would secretly hope they would say,” We have a miracle for you, after today you will see”. Alas, that did not happen. About 10 years ago, I did have cataract surgery. I flew from Chicago to New Hampshire to see this wonderful doctor. I did not know that a lens is inserted in you eye; to me it is like having a permanent contact in your eye. For the first time in my life, I could see the clock by my bed without glasses! I was ecstatic!! Therefore, I flew back out to do the other eye. Now, one in a bazillion have a problem, oh yes, it was me! After the second eye, I lost the central vision in that eye. If I use just that eye, I will see the shape of a face but no features. Yikes, no more driving at night! No more cross-stitching! No more middle vision! But, life goes on and you deal with what God hands you and I did. I now wear glasses again and bi-focals so I can do my work. Life is fine, I can see, I can drive, I can quilt.
One of my special loves was gone, the joy of reading! Audio books were not for me, I like to be the voice of the character, and I like to be in that world. Large print books, no, a 400-page book becomes 800 pages, man that is heavy,
Today at my door, arrived my saving grace.
I got the “Amazon Kindle” for my birthday!!
I do not even know where to start it has been so long since I read a good book.
Hmmm ,War and Peace?
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin?
Romance, na’ not for me
What a wish I could read are the National Treasure movies! I love history, especially American history, but in a story form.
I have no idea where to start!
Hey, have you read any good books lately???
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Holy Spooktacular Batman!!!!!!
I would once again like to thank everyone who was in the Halloween swap. It was an amazing time, filled with talent that just blew me away at every turn.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.
Thank you for the goodies you sent!
Thank you for the sets of your blocks you sent!
What else can I say but,
Well, I was going to decide what print I wanted to use for sashing but when I laid out all the Halloween blocks I had, I saw that the quilt would be a super size just as it was placed.
I need to make a few more 9-patch blocks to finish out the last row, move and switch a few blocks, and then I will be ready to make the top!!
I have decided to tie this quilt as I do not want to quilt over all the wonderful work.
I am amazed and tickled pink with this quilt!
Hope you have fun with your blocks too!

Happy Sewing!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Hey there Georgie girl…
I would like to introduce you to our newest family member.
We lost our older bulldog about a month ago, and our 1 ½ year old Sophie, was so lonely, that we just had to get her a little sister!!
They are wonderful together, same breeder, not the same Mommy and Daddy.
Georgie and Sophie both came for Atlanta, and they were flown on the plane with a dog nanny!!. Peeking out of a bag, was an adorable puppy.
Here she is fresh off the plane!
Sophie adores her and keeps track of her all the time. If Georgie starts to wander the yard, Sophie corrals her right back. She is the best big sister. We are all thrilled to have Georgie as our newest family member!
Home sweet home!!
I think I can…
Sophie, Maggie and Georgie…
So, please think of me on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday’s when I have the puppy, the 1 ½ year old dog and little T!!!!!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Swap up-date
The Disappearing 9-Patch is filling up nicely. We have 77 participants. I will go to 100, so if you were on the edge now is the time,
To hop off that fence and join!!
I also mentioned that I would show you the fabrics I will be using for the swap. Here they are, I am not going to use nine different ones in my blocks, maybe three or four in each; I want to mix the blocks up a little. I know some of you have already made and are sending you blocks. Thank you!!
I have not even started yet!!!
So, there is still plenty of time, to join.
Respond to the welcome letter I sent.
If you did not receive one let me know and I will send you another.
Communication will help this swap run smoothly. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
It’s My Party…
And I cry if I want to!!!
No way!!
Today is my birthday, funny how often your turn 29!!
My hubby surprised me with my favorites..
Roses and my favorite candy
Dark Chocolate Caramels and Dark Chocolate Malted Milk Balls.
He even asked for a Pink Ribbon!!!
Yummy!! Thanks honey!!
My 13 year old daughter had a theme, one that I loved and she thought of it all by herself!!
First this great Hot Pink container !! It was filled with goodies.
Hot Pink duck tape!! Are you kidding!!
A Pink “J” with Glitter!!!!
Buttons, Buttons who’s got the buttons??
Darling ribbons!
She even stood in line at the cutting table and picked out these wonderful fabrics for me!!
She told me “I only got you a half yard of each, you know, little bits for your swaps”!!!
Hmmm ,I must be addicted to swaps!
Thank you honey, I love it all!!
Now, in our family and I suspect in many families, birthdays do not happen for only one day!!
There will be more celebrating with the rest of the family on Friday!!
I love birthdays!!
Kisses to my family!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Red and Aqua Swap News
Terri at Sew Fantastic has really helped both you and I out!!
Here are her fabrics…
She has also kindly made a tutorial for the Disappearing 9 Patch.
Hop over to see how wonderful this block is; and then hop back here and join the swap!!
A huge thank you to Terri at Sew Fantastic!!
What a deal!!!!
In my eBay store only!!
I have reduced the price on all my 1930’s fabrics, including the fat quarters.
Come and take a peek! You will be glad you did!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday Spooktacular Spotlight…
We did it girls!!!! All the blocks are on their way to their new home. Please remember if you want someone’s blog now is the time to save or follow it; as of Tuesday, they will be gone!!
Thank you for a wonderful and super fun swap!! Remember to post pictures on your blog and our Flickr group so we can see those fantastic quilts. Hugs, to you all!!!
Saturday Spooktacular Spotlight…
This is how it will work. I will not post names and I will not mark the side-bar as I receive blocks. If you want to know who made the block, click the picture and you will be magically transported to their blog. If they have no blog; no magic carpet ride!
If you DO NOT want to know and would like to be surprised, curb your urge and DO NOT click the pictures.
Some of you ladies did not follow the rules and sent me a goodie, not necessary, but of course I am very grateful. I have emailed a thank you to you girls, but I am not going to post the item, for we know some people very well and that would let you know who made the blocks.
I know all your tricks!!
To make a long story short… What too late?? Sorry!!
Your choice, mystery or not!!
This is very hard for me as I want to comment on each block, but all I will say is…….
Let the fun begin!!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Flee Market
Once a month our town holds a flee market on the fair grounds. Every time I remember to go, it is always the wrong weekend!! Not this time! My oldest daughter, hubby and Little T were going, so the rest of us tagged along.
It is huge, rows and rows of wonderful things.
You know what I was looking for;
What did I see? I saw a ton and I mean a ton of dishware; now that is fine and dandy if you collect that, I however do not. The hard part for me was to see this dishware displayed on their quilts! A display! How about selling those!!
Rows and rows of beautiful furniture I would love to own but “hold back” what a price, yikes!! Again, back behind the furniture, piles of quilts, afghans, linens, that they used to wrap the furniture!!
Our 13-year-old daughter found a cute Pez Disperser plaque and a nice print of Chicago for her room.
My daughter found nothing.
Time to go… Nothing for little Janie....
Wait; there are some quilts, in a little 3-foot by 6-foot aisle. Only the seller and I could fit. First quilt I fell in love with, way over my budget, the same for the other three quilts. I was just about to leave when out of the corner of my eye, I saw pink!!
There is was, a pink quilt. I thought I had died and gone to Heaven, it was huge at least a king!! OK, hold your breath and look for the price, how bad could it be? It was not really a “quilt”. It was a pieced top, with a pink backing, that’s all! Where is the price? Ok, let’s ask. He does not know! He needs to call his mother!! At this point, I just wanted to get out of there; this is going to coast an arm and a leg. I listen as he describes the piece to his mother, I hear him say “yes, it has a lot of detail” then I here $45!!! He must have meant $450! I ask him, “did you say $45?” “Yes, it has a lot of detail” being the great negotiator that I am I said, "yes, yes, yes, YES!!!!"
Then I did the happy dance!!!
I will take it apart, put in batting add a new backing and then hand quilt. This may be in my UFO pile for years but this is…