Monday, February 15, 2010


Please, make your car a


  1. Where did you get that icon? I would love to put that on my blog. I am a big supporter of this after nearly loosing a friend to a driver that bent down to pick up her dropped phone and running a red light.

  2. That's a whole bunch nicer than my fav "Hang up and drive!"

  3. I never use my phone when driving. My family knows that I won't answer or text while I am driving. Too many things to keep my eyes on when driving. I don't need another thing to distract me.

  4. I support this...One of my pet hates is to see drivers on the phone while's against the law here!
    I never answer mine if it rings..
    Julia ♥

  5. Oh! I hope you didn't get hit by someone who was yakking instead of driving.~ one of my pet peeves too!

  6. I agree wholeheartedly!!!!
    Please don't use your phone in your car!

  7. I have a hard time with phones at any time. I know they are necessary and use one occasionally, but they are so annoying!!

    When I was in the hospital delivering Urban, I put up a sign that I had made at home that said "No cell phones please".

    I hate when I'm in a social group and someone answers their phone then asks to be caught up on the conversation!!

    Whew! You started a tangent here! Sorry!!

    Good message and cute icon!

  8. here in Canada you can get a HUGE fine for even holding a phone in your hands while driving--even if it's not on. a pain but smart.

  9. That used to be one of my pet peeves too! But now we have a law that states 'no cell phones ir texting while operating a vehicle'. There is a $90 fine if caught!

  10. I never use when my phone when I am driving and I can't even text on my phone but I wouldn't want to anyway.
    I wish more people would not do it.
    You can always tell when someone is on the phone because they either drive really slow or like they are drunk.

  11. I have taken it one step further - if you call me and I know you are driving and talking, I simply say -"I am going to hang up now so you do not have an accident. Please call me when you are not in the car."


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