Saturday, June 27, 2009
Can you help me with this?....

Friday, June 26, 2009
I am in love....
I was thinking of starting my Spooktacular Halloween 9 patches today; I looked over the hundreds of bolts of fabric I have, and to be honest was not thrilled. So, I jumped in the car and headed straight to our local quilt shop. Opened the door to the shop and low and behold there it was!! Just the two fabrics I wanted. They were right here in front of my eyes. I love these fabrics so much, I want to marry them!!
Happy Sewing
We did it!!
Group 5 of the Spooktacular Halloween Swap is filled!!
Thank you Pam for all your hard work.
Thank you ladies for joining; I am delighted to have you in the swap.
I will now say...
Have a wonderful weekend.
(but I love to do swaps, there will always be another)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Did you see this!!!
Yep, there is a group 5 for my
Spooktacular Halloween Swap.
Pam worked very hard and was able to find 8 more girls to join. I am so excited!!!
What does this mean for YOU????
If anyone was on the fence about joining, there are three spots left. Let’s spread the word and get this group filled for these wonderful ladies. If you want to play twice that is great.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, please click on the Snoopy Halloween Button, where you will find out just how much fun it is to swap!!
ONLY 3 more chances to play!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
In the Summer Time When the Weather is Hot………
Oh, how I love those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy, Days of Summer...
Filled, with children home from school.
Sounds of children playing outside.
Softball games with your family.
No schedule to follow!
Stay up late!!
Sleep in!!
Go to the pool!!
Go on vacation!!
Just hang out!!
I know here in Illinois we have a heat advisory out, I am very sorry for people who do not do well in the heat; really, I do feel for them.
For me…
This is the BEST time of year.
What!!! Little T…
You want everyone to see you in your new swim trunks for your first swim in the pool, well, OK, I guess Grandma does not mind sharing you!!!
Oh, quilting, yes, I have done some of that too!!
I just loved doing Aunt Pitty Pat’s disappearing 9 patch, so much in fact; that she let me join twice. Here is my second set of blocks.
My daughter caught two babies in the yard one morning, how beautiful!! That is the edge of our deck!
Off to watch softball!!!
Happy Sewing!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I have to say that I have a “wee, bit of the Irish in me” and that ‘wee bit” worked its magic these last few weeks. I seem to be on a “Luck of the Irish” winning streak for giveaways.
First, this darling pacifier clip to use for Little T from Giddy for Paisley.
Thank You so much!!
I was also a lucky winner from Pink Chalk Studio. I won a gift certificate and used it towards this wonderful group of fabrics.
Thank you Kathy
Next, I won Messy Karen’s Variety pack, it contained:
1 Dish Cloth.
1 Face Cloth.
2 Pretty Cloths.
3 Wavy Wipers.
4 Scrubbies.
And some yummy hand cream that smells divine!
Thank you Karen.
Now do not get mad, "tis the Irish in me I tell ya”
I was also one of the lucky winners from the Sewn giveaway from Sarah at The Last Piece I won one of her fabric packs of Red Letter Day “Galosh”
One of theses pretties is on its way to me!
Thank you Sarah
I have no idea how long this luck will last, but this little Irish Lass is very happy!!
On a different note; A while back I sent Beth from Wee Pereas, some selvages I had, as a thank you, she sent me this lovely piece of vintage fabric
Thank you Beth!
I am sure many of you heard that Bee Square Fabrics, is closing her doors. She had a 50% off sale and I was lucky enough to get there early. Look at all theses yummy fabrics I bought. Good Luck with your future endeavors!
Hmmm, I need to get sewing!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Four Seasons Quilt Swap Blocks Finished....
Our mission..
To make 40 colorblocks.
It took me a while to get the hang of the block.
Once I did, I decided to do all 40 at once!!
They are off to Margaret, to be mixed and a new mixture sent back to me.
This was a lot of fun!!
Here is what I did.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
A Fun Swap...
I love swaps!!
Just in case, you did not know!!
I have been wanted to do the pattern the disappearing 9 patch for quite a while.
Guess What?
I found a swap.
Simple, easy and fun, please come and join me, I would love to have some of your prints in my quilt.
Just click the picture and join.
You could get these done in one sitting and end up with a quilt filled with color.
Well, at least take a peek will ya!!
Monday, June 8, 2009
PIF Pink Heaven......

She knew I liked cherries, so MJ sent a cherry card with a note in pink ink!! Also ribbon, a lot of ribbon! I love ribbon, and I have none of the ones she sent. Darling Notes cards!

Oh yes pink, did I mention two of her famous face clothes in pink. I had no idea how big they were!! I love them, but will I use them? You bet I will! The yarn MJ used is so soft and the perfect pink.

BUT, wait, that is not all, look at the purse she made!!! Wonderful, soft, beautiful, cotton candy pink, with… get this… beads in the purse. I have no idea how she did that.

It is also lined with pink fabric and there is a pocket. I adore this purse!!

I am so very lucky to have had Mary Grace as my PIF Friend. Thank you does not see to be enough for all this goodness, but I am so very grateful and so very happy. Thank you Mary Grace from the bottom of my heart!!!

Guess What?.....
"Blog you've learned the most from" Award.
Click on the badge and vote for our Jodi!!
You can vote once a day and I surly will!!
Way to go Jodi!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Any Ideas.....
Advice Please….
If I show you three layouts, will you give me an idea of which you like better? Or do you have any different ideas? I have to admit, I am stumped on this one. Thank you!!
Layout #1
Close up….
Layout #2
Close up…
Layout #3
Close up…..
Thank you for any help or ideas you may have!!
Huge Sale....
I am having a HUGE sale in my
many fabrics listed as low as $3.50 a yard.
Why not take a peek, maybe something will strike your fancy!!
Thought for the day......
Here is my thought for the day.
Random as it may be....
I will have tops to quilt all winter...
New quilts in the Spring...
And start the process all over again!!!
Or I am just a nut!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Happy Birthday....
It is my first babies Birthday today. She will be 28. A very accomplished young lady. She is a daughter, a wife, a sister,a teacher and now a mother.
Happy Birthday Sweetie!
I love you and I am so proud of you.
Love, Mom
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
A New Group....
I am so thrilled at the response I have gotten for the Halloween Swap. It has only been posted since yesterday and I already have 3 groups filled.
I am going to open a 4th group!! Thank you so much for joining the fun!!
I am so excited!
Around the World Quilting Bee
Monday, June 1, 2009
I had such fun hosting the Rainbow Block Swap that I decided to have another!!
This swap will be a little more time consuming, so you will have a little longer to work on your blocks.
I think it would be a GREAT idea to print out the details.
1. There will be twelve people in each group.
2. You will make 24 blocks.
3. UNFINISHED size 12 ½
4. 12 blocks will be a simple nine patch using TWO Halloween colors, please use the same two Halloween fabrics for these 12 blocks. You may used solid or prints as long as they are the same two fabrics. They should be cut at 4 1/2 inches.
5. The other 12 blocks will be themed blocks.
B. Halloween colors up to you and each block can use different fabrics.
C. You will need to pick a theme.
D. You will think of a theme.
E. I have chosen “wonky house”
F. So I will make 12 wonky houses unfinished size 12 ½ using any fabrics I wish, they will not all be the same.
G. Only one theme per group.
H. Use any technique you want, some ideas; pieced, paper piece, appliqué, embroidery, fusing, whatever makes you comfortable.
I. Some ideas; pumpkins, cats, bats, ghost, withes hat, owls, spooky trees, stars, spider webs, candy, Halloween Words, Frankie! Mummy!! The list could go on and on.
J. SIGN your THEMED blocks on the FRONT any way you would like, I will have to write because I do not have a machine that can embroider.
St, Charles, IL
That’s, all you need to do any more is fine and up to you.
6. I am trying to stay away from traditional blocks, I want this to be an “out of your box” swap.
7. If you did not get into the group you wanted, I HIGHLY encourage you to go and visit that persons blog and see if they want to do a one on one exchange with you for blocks. That will be up to you and the other person.
8. Blocks are DUE not mailed by but DUE September 1st, you will have all summer to work on your blocks, enjoy the weather and still go on vacation!
9. US residents can send there blocks to me any way they want but they MUST go back to you in your self address stamped Flat Rate Priority Envelope, it is 4.95, my poor postal workers had a heart attack when I came in from the last swap with all different types of envelopes and postage. They will know what a Flat Rate Priority Envelope is, so no worries.
International participants, we can talk about shipping later.
By the time, you receive all your blocks there will be 12 themed blocks and 12 nine-patch blocks. This is enough to make a nice size throw or wall-hanging.
In order to join YOU MUST EMAIL me ; do not comment on this post, you WILL NOT be entered.
Please email the following:
Your full name
Blog link
And your Halloween theme (MUST be included) This is a first come first serve basis on the theme, so do not wait to long!! Saying I want to join will not enter you, I must have a theme. Please look to the side-bar to see what is available. I am starting with three groups, if there is enough interest I will open another group.
Please do not misunderstand this, I love getting all the goodies in the mail, but with the way the economy is and the cost of postage, please there is absolutely no need to send me a thing. If you feel that you really want to do something, I would love one of your blocks. The joy I get from going to the mailbox and opening the packages and seeing the blocks is more than enough for me.
I know this is a lot of information; I am always here to answer any questions.
I look forward to another wonderful swap!
So Grab the button from my side-bar and link it back here and let the fun begin!!