Today I used the 1 1/2 inch strip die. I cut a fat quarter and look at all the strips I made, and that was all the leftover fabric. I woukld have trimed more to straighten the edge.
Then I took some scraps and also cut those. Again, look at what was left. Not all the waste you would think, right??
You MUST leave separate comments . If you do not, it will count as one entry.
I WILL NOT be able to track you down, so please do not be a no-reply!!!
All your entries will not count.
I love to write back when I have a giveaway, but I fear there may be too many comments for that this time. I will however visit new blogs; I love to meet new friends!!
OK let’s Play
#1 Comment
#2 Visit the AccuQuilt website and leave a comment on this posttelling me what three diesyou would pick out if you won. Take your time, look around a bit!! Enjoy their site!
#3 Blog about this giveaway and link back to this post.
#4 Follow me or tell me you follow.
This could give you a possible total of 4 entries; remember they each must be separate comments to qualify.
Fall, leaves turning, days shorten, and apples get picked. I decided it would be wonderful to make a table-runner with the apple core die. I will admit I was very nervous. I have always wanted to use this shape but to trace a template, cut it out and then expect it to match…… NO WAY Not with theses eyes!!
Look at all the goodies you will receive with your “Go”
The Cutting System The Starter Die which includes a 4 ½ inch square a 2 ½ inch square and a Half square 2 inch finished triangle (with dog-eared corners) A 10 X 10 cutting mat Fabric pick And a dust cover!!
As I said in my previous post, I choose harder shapes for me to cut.
The 6 ½ inch Apple Core (with notches for easy piecing) The 6 ½ inch Tumbler (with dog-eared corners) The quarter square 4 inch finished triangle (An Alex Anderson Die) and A 6 X 12 cutting mat
Ready to start. Here she is in all her glory!
I have decided to start out with the tumbler die.
BUT, wait; I have just encountered my first problem. MY PROBLEM and many with poor eye site was where was the blade?
Hmmm, how do I find it, push it with my hands? Not a good idea, use a magnifying glass? No!! Aha! I headed over to the AccuQuilt You Tube Channel. Yes they have their own You Tube Channel!!
I am sure by now when you hear the name “Carolyn” you know we are talking about the sweet AccuQuilt “Go” lady!! How very lucky that I have the opportunity to share my experiences with you about this marvelous machine. I, however am going to share my experience from a different point of view. I think we all know the wonderful advantages that come from owning an AccuQuilt “Go” : Fast Simple to use Great for scrap-busting All types of fabrics can be used including cotton, flannel, fleece, wool and denim. Multiple layers of fabric can be cut at one time Exact cutting Strip cutters so there are no more “V” .… So many dies to choose from and more on the way Compact and easy to store And many more…
I want to talk about another reason the “Go”is amazing. Many of my long time followers already know of my eye site problems. I have partial eye loss in my left eye. I have been told it will get worse. Such is life!! Because of this, my depth perception is off. Yes, I drive, read, sew, knit, and can work on my computer. BUT when I sew for others it is a challenge!
A challenge to cut the pieces straight. A challenge to cut the pieces the same size. A challenge to make a block that will not take me hours, so it will be perfect. Circles, or other intricate designs, not a chance!
If the cutting is off the pieces will not match, plain and simple!
My family accepts my limitations and love my quilts whether the match or not,
The AccuQuilt “Go”will solve the problems for me!! Not only has Carolyn graciously given me a “Go”but also three dies. I choose shapes that I knew I would have a problem cutting free style. Please come and visit me over the next few posts and join me on this fun filled adventure; as I show you MEthat I can do it!!!
After I show you all the wonders of the “Go”, do you think Carolyn will have another for one of you!!
Not my blog, but US!! After living in this house for 25 years and raising our three girls here; we are moving!! We are doing this for three reasons….
#1 Closer to older daughter and SIL and Little T. It will be much easier for the kids when they drop him off to me in the morning. (we live 15 minutes away now, but I would love to cut that to 5)!!!
#2 Closer to now married daughter and SIL. They live downtown Chicago. This would cut their commute to see us by 25 minutes or more.
#3 Maggie started High School and the compute is 25 minutes. We would love her to be closer to school and her new friends.
So…….We are moving because we want to!!
But, 25 years of stuff…… Takes a lot of work. A lot of boxes. And a lot of time.
See you when the house is listed, hopefully in a week to 10 days!!