Monday is a bad enough day but take the family away, school, work, a house that really seriously looks like it was hit by a hurricane, and then be home all alone. NO THANKS SISTER so I decided to take a drive to my fabric warehouse about an hour or so away. I listened to the new CD my sister made for me. I shopped until I dropped. All sorts of new 1930’s, black, and whites to make into fat quarters. Paid, back on the road, aha , DUNKIN DONUTS, mmm Coffee and a few toasted coconut donuts. Back on the road, aha, HOBBY LOBBY, why, what cute PINK fabric they have. Grabbed a few ½ yards for my PINK cottages. Back on the road to home, oh nuts, forgot to go to the post office to mail some orders. OK, stop there wait in line, get a total, only $22, hand her the card with the obscene credit limit, only to have her say, it was denied, “How can that be, I have a ton left on there” try again, denied. Ran to the car, got the debit, paid. Now back on the road home to call the credit company. Oh yes, they did put a stop on the card for fraudulent use! Yes, for the second time in my life someone STOLE MY CREDIT CARD NUMBER. They stopped the card right away when they saw that all I used it for was fabric and the post office, not computer gear. Twice, and I check my account everyday, thanks to Target, they caught it right away.
So….Let’s get to the good stuff
I have some goodies I have been saving to show you, if you can last through this long post.
From Simply This and That and the Other, one of her square it up squares. I got the 9.5 but I think I will need more.

Also, more Glenna Hailey fabric, what can I say, I just love her fabric.

I also received so many goodies from so many friends, some of these I may have shown you before, but just in case here they are again.
From Nanette, one of her beautiful kitchen towels. It will never touch a dish, but it is proudly displayed in my kitchen.

Two of her darling ornaments.

(Side note, I was able to pick up a silver tree at Joann’s for 70% off, it will be MY TREE. The tree that I will use to display all my wonderful gifts.)
I also need to mention Terri’s angel again, she was not put away after Christmas. She is watching over me as I work and sew.

Eileen sent me a pair of her birds made out of her special stash of REAL reproduction fabric, oh yes, in PINK.

Cheryl and I did a barter system, I sent her some fabric and she made me one of her amazing thread catchers. It is truly wonderful.

She also snuck in a little something else, this darling Mary Engelbreit Topper. It also will have a proud place on my kitchen island.

I was mildly depressed when Elaine (no blog) left for Florida. She will be gone until the end of April. Being as sweet as she is, she left me with a few parting gifts. First a PINK COTTAGE for my quilt, look how cute the window is with the hanging PINK BEADS.

She also knows that next to Christmas, The 4th of July is my favorite Holiday, so she made me a patriotic table runner. She also acknowledges the little part of Irish I received from my Mom, and the back is the Irish blessing. Look at how she makes the binding in two colors, so when you flip it over it matches. So I can use it for two Holidays.

I went to pick my daughter up from school today and there was a surprise in the mailbox form Mel. We had decided to exchange Christmas cottages with each other. I was even able to pick the one I wanted, her Blue Bliss. This is what came in the mail! A whole bag of goodies.

Yes, her Blue Bliss cottage, which I love.

There were a FEW PINK THINGS , such as:
A PINK dove ornament.
I was lucky to get on of her door hangers with a J in PINK

OH, we are not done…
A darling table topper pattern and fabric, love it!
And just in case I might need it, a sanitary napkin bag, from when I was in high school, it was a hoot trying to explain to my 13 year old daughter what that was and how it was used in the good old days. And then the darling fabric that was in the bag, I think some of that may turn up in my pink cottage quilt.

I will try not to get too mushy here, but I have been blogging for only 6 months and I have met some of the kindest, sweetest, caring people ever. Blogland is truly a wonderful place, and I am glad to have made so many wonderful friends who I love to “talk” to every day. Thank you, God Bless and to much more laughter and friendship in 2009.