I just love this day! Look what I have to show this week…
My mother-in-law passed about 4 years ago at the age of 85 and this was her porcelain doll. Whenever we would go visit, my three girls would ask to they could see Grammy’s Doll, of course she would let them. I was the mean one who said they could not play with it, what if something happened!! Just before she passed she gave the doll to my youngest daughter (7 at the time) and told her it was hers and she should play with it! She would take her out and just look carefully at her and then put her right back where Grammy always kept her. She knew how special she was too!

Outfit she came with....

These little Bride and Groom were in the box also. I wonder if they were from her Wedding Cake, knowing how well my mother-in-law took care of things, I would like to think they were. We love and miss you Grammy, PS you too Grampy!!