December 26th Up-Date
I have opened up a fourth group!!!
December 11th Up-Date
Hi and Welcome to the Wonky House Block Swap! At this point we have 34 members. I am going to stop at 36 members as this will give us three nice size groups. Two of our groups have 11 members but I am not worried; I am sure we will pick up two more members. If you know of anyone on the fence about joining send them our way!!
Eighteen of you have joined the flickr group; if you have not done this yet I encourage you to do so. This is where we will chat and get to know each other. Tips, fabrics, patterns and ideas can be posted and discussed on this site.
Here is our link...
Flickr Group
There has been some confusion on the siggy blocks.
Sorry, this was my fault as I was not very clear.
They can range from 4-6 inches in size. Please put your name and where you live on the block. I plan to use these on the back of my quilt.
On to the groups!
Each name is linked to an email, blog, or flickr account. If you wish to hold a private swap with someone else you can get in contact with them by clicking on their name.
Carol Jordan--REC.
Melanie Poisson--REC.
Ruth Davis--REC.
Madame Samm--REC.
Laura VanVleet-- REC.
Wendy Yates--REC.
Wanda Correll--REC.
Deonn Stott--REC.
Mari Linfesty--- REC.
Sandra Rowe--REC.
Alice Moriarty__REC.
Robin LaLone-- REC.
Marci Warren-Elmer--REC.
Helen Burdette--REC.
Phuong Nguyen--REC.
Lesley Carruthers--REC.
Shari Jamieson--REC.
Jane Hillis--REC.
Let the fun begin!!!!!!!
I am always happy to answer any questions.
The Wonky House Block Swap!
I have opened up a fourth group!!!
December 11th Up-Date
Hi and Welcome to the Wonky House Block Swap! At this point we have 34 members. I am going to stop at 36 members as this will give us three nice size groups. Two of our groups have 11 members but I am not worried; I am sure we will pick up two more members. If you know of anyone on the fence about joining send them our way!!
Eighteen of you have joined the flickr group; if you have not done this yet I encourage you to do so. This is where we will chat and get to know each other. Tips, fabrics, patterns and ideas can be posted and discussed on this site.
Here is our link...
Flickr Group
There has been some confusion on the siggy blocks.
Sorry, this was my fault as I was not very clear.
They can range from 4-6 inches in size. Please put your name and where you live on the block. I plan to use these on the back of my quilt.
On to the groups!
Each name is linked to an email, blog, or flickr account. If you wish to hold a private swap with someone else you can get in contact with them by clicking on their name.
Carol Jordan--REC.
Melanie Poisson--REC.
Ruth Davis--REC.
Madame Samm--REC.
Laura VanVleet-- REC.
Wendy Yates--REC.
Wanda Correll--REC.
Deonn Stott--REC.
Mari Linfesty--- REC.
Sandra Rowe--REC.
Alice Moriarty__REC.
Robin LaLone-- REC.
Marci Warren-Elmer--REC.
Helen Burdette--REC.
Phuong Nguyen--REC.
Lesley Carruthers--REC.
Shari Jamieson--REC.
Jane Hillis--REC.
Ivona Mertusova--REC.
Jacqueline Traun--REC.
Shelby Woodraska--REC
Sandra Rocca--REC.
Linda McKenzie--REC.
Nicky Eglinton--REC.
Laura Ludwig--REC.
Melissa Albertson--REC
Peggy Bennett--REC.
Chiska Williams--REC,.
Let the fun begin!!!!!!!
I am always happy to answer any questions.
The Wonky House Block Swap!
Welcome! This is going to be so much fun! I am an A to Z person. I feel if everything is laid out in front of me I will know what to do, how,when and why. Just a little OCD about organization.
I thought it best to let you know everything about this swap before you made a decision.
This swap will be for advanced beginner quilters and beyond. I have done many beginner swaps so I am stepping it up this time around.
You will make 12 Wonky House Blocks.
Size 12 1/2 un-finished.
They do not have to be the same block. But must be 12 1/2 un-finished.
Bright colors, and any color background. Please no Civil War or Calicos.
Any technique. pieced, paper pieced, appliqué, free form, touches of embroidery.
Also ---signature blocks. Any technique you wish. This will be fun to make in a larger block for the back of your quilt. Or even setting blocks or a border.
12---12 1/2 un-finished Wonky House Blocks
12---Signature Blocks
Siggy examples.....
P.S. I Quilt
That Girl, That Quilt
Hooked On Needles (this is the one I am going to use)
Thanks to these bloggers for their inspiration!
This is a centralized swap.
That means ELEVEN (you keep one) Wonky House and ELEVEN signature blocks(you keep one) will be sent to me.
Jane Remus
710 Timbers Trail
Saint Charles, IL
Along with you blocks US Residents will send me a STAMPED (or $5.00) self address FLAT RATE envelope. I will use this to send you back eleven different Wonky House and matching signature blocks!!
International members I will send you a Paypal invoice for your shipping costs.
PLEASE---When you send your block, please put your group number on your envelopes. Both the one coming and the one going. Also on the bag containing your blocks. With 60 people this will help so very much!
You will be in groups of 12.
No, you may not request to be with a certain person. It is so fun to meet new quilters.
If there is a member you would like to trade with, you can just email them and set up a private swap.
I will not be doing private swaps this time, sorry!
I will accept the first 60 people who EMAIL(not comment) and ask me to be in the swap:
When I reach 60, sign ups will be closed. I am sorry but that is all I can handle.
The groups will then be posted on this page.
This will be where you will come for up-dates and any information about our swap.
I have an inspirational mosaic for you, gives you an idea what I am thinking.
ALL blocks must be in my hands by March 1st. Please if you are an international player keep this in mind.
If I do not have them by March 1st you will then be replaced with an "angel " swapper.
It is unfair to make the rest of your group wait. I know this seems harsh but I have allowed you plenty of time to make your blocks.
If I have left anything out, or you have any question, of course, please email me!
Let the Fun Begin