Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Softball and 9 Patches.....
I did get one thing done this weekend, I made my July 9 Patch Blocks for
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Saturday Spooktacular Spotlight…
Here it is…
My First Saturday Spooktacular Spotlight…
This is how it will work.
I will not post names and I will not mark the side-bar as I receive blocks.
If you want to know who made the block, click the picture and you will be magically transported to their blog. If they have no blog; no magic carpet ride!
If you DO NOT want to know and would like to be surprised, curb your urge and DO NOT click the pictures.
Some of you ladies did not follow the rules and sent me a goodie, not necessary, but of course I am very grateful. I have emailed a thank you to you girls, but I am not going to post the item, for we know some people very well and that would let you know who made the blocks.
I know all your tricks!!
To make a long story short… What too late?? Sorry!!
Your choice, mystery or not!!
This is very hard for me as I want to comment on each block, but all I will say is…….
Let the fun begin!!!!
Aren't these amazing!!!!!!!
Friday, July 24, 2009
A Giveaway.....

Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pago Pago..... and a Bloggy Win
Just stunning!! Take a peek and see what you can find, you will be glad you did!!
Also, a blog win. I was one of the lucky winners of Sherri’s giveaway from A Quilting Life. Look at what I won!!
A Sweet Treat Bag made from Wonderland by Moda
Now how wonderful in this!!
It is the perfect size to carry in my purse.
I think I am going to put all my essentials in there, you know the things that end up at the bottom of your purse. Such as, my chap stick, my hand lotion, little mirror, my Advil, gum, pen, paper, all the things I have to search for will now all be in one place.
Now that is a “Sweet Treat”!!
Look inside, see how large and roomy.
Perfect stitching and even a covered button and Velcro closing.
Thank you so very much Sherri, I just love it and all the time you put into making this “Sweet Treat” of a bag!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Giveaway.....
Friday, July 17, 2009
No I did not....
No, I did not join amandajean"s second one a day 9 patch quilt along. I did not join the first, and No I will not join the second!!
Are you kidding,
I was so sorry I did not join the first. One 9 patch a day for 70 days, I cannot wait to hit my scrap pile!!
Thank you for giving me a second chance amandajean !!
Monday, July 13, 2009
A New Swap to Join....
This will be such fun!!
Come and play along!!
Click the button to read all about it.
Your hostess will be Melissa from Cornbreadandbeansquilting’s Weblog
Monday, July 6, 2009
What a Weekend!!!!!!
I hope everyone had a happy weekend. As I keep saying, The 4th of July is my favorite Holiday. I like it more than Christmas. My SIL asked why even more than Christmas? My answer, you get, Family, Food, Fun, Picnics, Kick-Ball, Bean Bag Toss, a new Dictionary game we played this year, warm weather, swimming if you want, and it ends in a spectacular firework display! It is a Holiday, which does not take months to prepare for and brings me such joy. It makes me so thankful, to be able to live here, and so thankful for all the men and women, that make it possible. I just love it!!
On another note, I did get two blocks done for the ATWQB Swap.
This first block was to be a “liberated” house. I hope she likes the block.
The second was to tell a story of yourself. Most of the fabric is self-explanatory.; but for those of you who do not know, my favorite color is pink and I love glitter. The little floral print has glitter.
Super fun blocks to make!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thank you!!!!
“I found a new blog I just love called “Sew Many Ways". As I was reading her blog, my eye caught a beautiful set of Americana projects. As I started to read, I found out she was giving them away!! Yes, to the first two people who asked! I said I loved them and they showed up at my home. I am the gal that likes to hand quilt and let others do the piecing, she is the gal that likes to do piecing and not quilt. A match made in Heaven. I know exactly what I am going to do with all three pieces. The bigger one will be a perfect place-mat for my butcher block counter. The one with the star in the middle will be a pot holder I will never use. Every year on the 4th of July, we take a picture because it is my favorite Holiday; the third piece holds a picture!! Therefore, that will be a wall hanging. Thank you so much Karen, I just love them and your kindness."
Well, I got one done!! The place-mat, just in time for the Forth of July.
Thank you again Karen!